Saturday, August 20, 2011

A day in the life. . .

I realized today that I have a pretty good thing going for me today. I have great family, friends, and lots of fun things going on. Granted I still have that giant issue called my career but I'm having a good moment so let's not dwell on that. So here's my day:

1. Try to wear my hair wavy for the first time since it's been cut. Results: better than last time but it's barely holding up in the heat.

2. Did a mischievious errand for a friend. Shhhh.

3. Went with mom to get her first pedicure. Now my feet love me. I can almost hear them singing "Silly Love Songs." Is it weird that my pink toes sound like The Warblers?

4. Took lunch to the girls at Tools. It is that time of year!

5. Went to one of my fav places in the whole wide world. . . The Lewisville Library! It was amazing as usual.

6. Now I'm at home watching "Wildfire" at Netflix. This is my new favorite thing. The other day I dreamed about this show. Good thing I'm over half way through it.

7. After this is posted, I'm going to address shower invitations. "Wildfire" will still be playing! By the way, I'm totally "Team Matt."

8. Snae will eventually come home and we have a fantastic dinner of hot dogs planned. I'm actually pretty excited about this. After a delicious hibachi meal last night, I'm ready for something simple and cheap.

9. We'll have an easy night of TV watching, hopefully catch up on "Project Runway."

I don't think you can have a better day. Just wanted to share. Back to my good life!

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